We closely follow information and recommendations from the CDC and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to stay current on confirmed cases and ensure we offer the best care to the people we serve. We also collaborate with other local health organizations, like the Rappahannock Area Health District, to monitor the health of our community.
COVID-19 is a viral respiratory infection; symptoms include cough and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Most patients also experience at least two of these symptoms: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.
If you develop any of these emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately:
As someone who has recovered from COVID-19, you may be in a unique position to help those still suffering. For our sickest patients in the hospital fighting to recover, convalescent plasma treatments have shown promising results. If you are interested in donating plasma, please click below for more information from the American Red Cross.
Donate plasma to the Red Cross
If you are very sick, get medical attention immediately. If you develop one of these symptoms, seek emergency care.
Note there are many other reasons for seeking emergency care. Do not delay care if you are concerned for your safety. If you are unsure what level of care you need, call the Health Link Nurse Line at 540.741.1000 for an assessment and nurse advice.
The safest place for you to be in a medical emergency is under the care of skilled clinical and medical personnel. If you are having a medical emergency, such as chest pain or stroke, do not delay care because of fear of COVID-19. Call 911, and the first responders will transport you safely to the hospital.
If you are still unsure if you should come to the emergency room, please call our Health Link nurse advice line from 7:00 a.m.-midnight, 365 days a year. You can reach them at 540.741.1000.
Si su médico le ha programado una cirugía o un procedimiento, por favor haga click aquí para ver un listado importante de los pasos que deberá seguir para protegerle a usted y a nuestro personal.
The COVID-19 vaccine is available to everyone age 5 and over in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Visit vaccinefinder.org or vdh.virginia.gov/rappahannock to find a location near you.
Please click here to see our updated visitation guidelines.
If you experience COVID-19 symptoms but do not require immediate medical attention, it’s recommended you stay at home to recover and prevent the spread of illness. If you have trouble breathing or have flu-like symptoms that do not improve, call your provider before visiting the office or hospital. For the protection of other patients, you will be asked to wear a face mask prior to arriving.
You can also call 540.741.1000 to talk to an MWHC nurse to determine your best level of care based on your symptoms.
As always, good hygiene and proper handwashing techniques are best practices to keep you and your family healthy.
According to the CDC guidance on handwashing, these five steps will help prevent the spread of germs:
Other ways to stay healthy:
Please visit our COVID-19 pregnancy and breastfeeding page for the most up-to-date guidance and information.