FAQS: Anesthesiology Residency Program

How do I apply to your program?
Applications are accepted through ERAS.
Do you have a USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) or COMLEX
(Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination) minimum score
requirement for Step 1 and Step 2?
Yes, applicants must have passed USMLE Step 1 or COMLEX Level 1. They must
also have taken Step 2 or Level 2.
How are medical students evaluated and ranked?
All medical students are ranked on a scoring rubric which includes board
scores, rotation grades, letters of recommendation, leadership positions,
community service, scholarly activity, and interview day interactions.
What is the size of your program?
Each class will have 6 positions for a total of 24 residents in the program.
What is the size of the hospital and demographics?
Mary Washington Hospital is a 471-bed acute care hospital serving a diverse
patient population. Patient demographics are broad, including age ranges
from children to young active families to active retirees. The spectrum
of patients and pathology offers an excellent learning environment.
Do you accept Visas?
The residency programs will only accept J-1 Visas.