Mary Washington Healthcare's (MWHC) experiential learning programs are designed to attract, retain and continuously grow our workforce.
Our learning programs run year-round and give students real work experience in clinical departments and non-clinical functional areas of MWHC. They are a great way to develop specific skills and knowledge, become comfortable with the professional work environment, expand on your classroom learning as well as make contacts to network, build confidence and enhance your resume.
We offer clinical rotations, shadowing/observations and internships. Depending on the business need and performance, interns may have the opportunity to possibly convert into a full-time employee.
An experience in which a student participating in a healthcare-related program of study at an accredited educational institution wishes to complete a required hands-on clinical rotation.
Things to keep in mind:
Nursing Professional Practice (nursingstudentprograms@mwhc.com) handles nursing student placement requests for:
Graduate Medical Education (medicalstudenteducation@mwhc.com) handles requests for medical students, medical graduates, or students interested in NP or APP programs.
For additional information, please reach out to
Please include:
An experience in which a student, or other person interested in the field of healthcare, wishes to shadow an experienced employee or professional for a brief period of time. Observations are up to 20 hours.
Things to keep in mind:
For additional information, please reach out to careerdevelopment@mwhc.com and request an application.
An experience in which a student is participating in a program of study at an accredited educational institution and wishes to complete a hands-on internship for either academic credit or an hourly rate. At the present time, we do not have any paid college internships.
Our credit internships are unpaid, experiential learning opportunities providing practical work experience and the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills in a professional setting. These internships are part-time or full-time and are typically offered year-round and last an entire semester.
Internship Benefits:
Department managers are seeking bright minds to assist in projects related to:
Accounting/Finance • Marketing • Business Administration
Supply Chain/Operations • Healthcare • Technology
There will need to be an affiliation agreement between MWHC and the college before the internship can begin.
MWHC participates in selected work-based learning programs with local high schools. Students involved in CTE classes have an opportunity to earn school credit while rotating throughout our healthcare system.
Currently this program is on hold.
School liaisons:
If you have students looking to build both professional and academic skills in a dynamic healthcare environment, contact Career Development (careerdevelopment@mwhc.com) for additional information.