Event Details
Moms & Babies Group
- Categories: Childbirth & Parenting
About This Event
We meet in person at the John F. Fick III Conference Center. Enter on the 2nd floor, the main entrance of the Fick Center at the top of the outside stairs. Go down the hall to your right and just around the corner. (pic of entrance below)
Visit with other moms and ask questions of our lactation consultants about breastfeeding, growth and development, and learn about other baby care topics.
* The meeting provides opportunities to meet with other moms, weigh their baby, ask questions of a certified lactation consultant. You do not have to be a breastfeeding mother to attend, as topics of discussion are not solely on breastfeeding. You do not have to have delivered at MWH to attend.
Inclement weather: When schools are canceled, the group will be canceled as well.
- Price: Free