Staying Afloat with Health and Wellness: A Life Preserver for Healthcare Providers
Kids Club: Pediatric Assessment (Melody Meehan & Eileen Cox)
Join us for Jeopardy! In this session we will use a game of Jeopardy! to review the A, B, Cs of assessment, pediatric anatomy and physiological considerations among our littlest patients. In addition, we will discuss some specific pediatric illnesses and their management.
Swimming with Sharks: Asthma Management (Lindsey Ewing)
This course will be a down and dirty overview of asthma presentation, assessment, and treatment. We’ll discuss pearls and pitfalls of prehospital management, from the controversy of CPAP and BiPAP, to the use of IM and IV epinephrine, to the AMAX 4 algorithm for the crashing bronchospastic patient. Join the discussion and learn how to best help our asthmatics while doing no harm.
Fog Advisory: Stroke Differentials (Amy Dahart)
Join me as we embark upon and adventure together navigating the uncharted waters of neuro assessment. In this lecture we will review Stroke and TIA symptoms, current treatment and management of stroke, and stroke differentials. Then we will sit back and relax on the Lido Deck while Julie McCoy shows us how to play shuffle board, Isaac makes cocktails, and Doc reviews neuro case studies. Make sure you wear your sunscreen.
Unlimited SALAD Bar: Suction Assisted Laryngoscopy Airway Decontamination
(Mark Sikora)
Ever tried to intubate one of those patients who seemed to have just left the unlimited salad bar and has a never-ending supply of vomitus to be suctioned, obscuring your view of the vocal cords? In this hands-on lab, you will learn the latest “SALAD” technique to provide continuous suctioning while still visualizing those precious cords for successful intubation!
Culture Immersion: Don’t Make It Awkward (LeRon Lewis)
Navigating the sea of gender diversity can sometimes feel like embarking on a cruise ship voyage into uncharted waters. The word gender has become almost taboo, or at the very least - something that is happening to "other" people. In reality, we all make gender decisions multiple times daily. The pronouns we choose tell the world about us and impacts the way the world responds to us. In this presentation, I'll be your cruise director, guiding you through these unexplored waters to examine your misconceptions, help you feel empowered in your knowledge of gender diversity, and explore how cultural bias can even cause patient harm! By the time you we reach the next port, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to champion culturally competent prehospital care!
Muster Station: H.E.A.T. Helicopter Emergency Accident Training (Greg Abernathy)
(2 hour session)
BLS, ALS, CC ( ***FF/EMS Only***)
Rescuing the Rescuers: What to do when things go bad. In this class you will learn how to help a medevac crew in the event of a crash. We will teach you how to approach the aircraft, emergency shut-down procedures, hazards and how to extricate the flight crew. After a short classroom session we will meet at the aircraft where you will extricate the nurse, medic and patient from a smoke-filled aircraft. We will have turnout gear and SCBA available, but feel free to bring your own.
Uncharted Waters: Navigating Documentation Standards in 2024 (Katie MacSwain)
Have you ever taken a proper documentation course that taught you what to write, what not to write, and how to avoid going to court? Not at all? Indeed, I didn't either. Over the previous 26 years, through trial and error with documentation, I've learned a few things that I might be able to share with others. Together, we will go beyond the basics, discuss why we do it, why it matters, what to keep off the record, and how to "paint a good picture". We all know, if it wasn't documented, it never happened.
Saltwater Therapy: Effective Use of Hypertonic Saline and Sodium Bicarb
(Patrick Short)
Dive into the role of saltwater therapy with hypertonic saline and sodium bicarbonate in the setting of traumatic brain injury and electrolyte derangement! Is saltwater better or are balanced-electrolytes crystalloids the better ship for the seas? Let’s take a look at what the evidence points to for the role of sodium management in traumatic brain injuries and how we can improve outcomes without drowning in the wrong fluid.
Smooth Sailing with Your First Mate: Management of the OB Patient (Cameron
and Brittany Johnson)
It is important for emergency and critical care providers to always be ready for the next call, whether it is a single patient or one with another onboard. Gravid patients require immediate evaluation and treatment because their condition can change in the blink of an eye. This presentation will cover the fundamentals high-risk obstetrics, pregnancy, and resuscitative measures to assist you during your next OB emergency.
Spear Fishing: Managing Chest Trauma (Isabel Contreras)
This workshop it is intended to teach and /or review of the history taking and assessment of the patient with penetrating chest trauma. Participants will get instruction and practices on lifesaving interventions.
Ventilation Theory for 911 Paramedics: Vent Lab Basics (John Winstead)
Gilligan and the skipper set sail on a three-hour tour, but let’s be honest that’s way longer than most of our prehospital patient encounters! Let’s embark on a journey to master the initiation phase of mechanical ventilation; we’ll focus on not going overboard with rate and tidal volume; anchor ourselves with lung protective ventilation strategies; and set our compass towards 911 application of advanced airway management. This interactive lecture is intended for the prehospital paramedic looking to build mastery of the first hour of ventilation management.
Part 2 Muster Station (2 hour session continued from Excursion 1)
Sweating to the Oldies on the Lido Deck: Geriatric Assessment (Eric Haas)
MeeMaw, with her apple-bottom housecoat and slippers with the fur, might not be able to drop it like its hot anymore. And Pop-Pop’s mind might think he’s at the Copa Cabana, but he left his heart in San Francisco. As medical providers we are often the Strangers in the Night coming to a call for a geriatric patient. While Red Roses might not be the right fix for a real Blue Lady, come to the lido deck to learn techniques to help manage the assessment of our senior patient population.
Wave Runner: Riding the Waves of Capnography (Lindsey Ewing)
Capnography is an excellent assessment tool that can help us trend ventilation, perfusion, and metabolism in both intubated and non-intubated patients. Understanding the variables that impact ETCO2 is a crucial piece of correctly applying this piece of the puzzle to our differential and treatment plan. Join this course for thoughtful case discussions that will help hone end-tidal application skills.
Managing your Lines: Hemodynamic Monitoring (Molly Karabinus)
Ever heard your ICU friends talking about a swan and wondered why they’d have a fancy Canadian goose in a clinical setting? Then this class is for you! This quick and informative lecture on the ins and outs of invasive lines including the arterial line and PA cath (aka swan-ganz catheter) will prepare you to interpret pressures, waveforms, and make clinical decisions based off of them like a champ.. no water needed!
Bag Check: BVM Techniques (Mary Bentley)
The most important skill any EMS provider should master is how to ventilate a patient with a BVM, but it is commonly underperformed. Which seal works best? How much squeeze gives adequate tidal volumes? Why is a PEEP valve important? How many respirations are you actually giving? Learn about all of the pieces to your BVM and the techniques that will help you provide better ventilations to your patients. We will put these skills to the test so you can feel the difference and see what works best.
Muster Station: H.E.A.T. Helicopter Emergency Accident Training (Greg Abernathy) (2 hour session) BLS, ALS, CC
Rescuing the Rescuers: What to do when things go bad. In this class you will learn how to help a medevac crew in the event of a crash. We will teach you how to approach the aircraft, emergency shut-down procedures, hazards and how to extricate the flight crew. After a short classroom session we will meet at the aircraft where you will extricate the nurse, medic and patient from a smoke-filled aircraft. We will have turnout gear and SCBA available, but feel free to bring your own.
Kids Club: Conga Line Dancing! Identification & Management of Pediatric
Seizures (Sarah McDaniel)
Lip smacking, blinking, shaking, and staring. These aren't awkward ways to approach your new dance partner, but all signs of seizures in the pediatric population. Join us for a discussion on identifying different types of seizures in different age groups, and proper management prehospitally.
Life SAFER Training: Systematic Approach For Engineered Resuscitation (Mary Bentley)
Have you ever been curious about the "why" behind what flight crews do when we show up on scene flights? Unfortunately, there isn't much time to explain everything while we are on scene. We want to share this information with you! Come take a look inside our tool box and learn how/why we resuscitate and intubate patients using our "S.A.F.E.R." technique. We will also discuss what ground EMS crews can do to help prepare for flight crew arrival and ultimately lead to better patient outcomes.
Dead in the Water: DOA Management/Code Grey/Crime Scene Preservation (Wayne Perry)
Don't get caught dead in the water. This session arms you with knowledge of Virginia Code and reviews the process and procedure for DOA management at the scene. Also learn more about Code Grey orders, crime scene preservation, post-mortem changes, and what happens after EMS leaves the scene of a fatality.
Boating on Lake Anna: Case Review of Lightning Strike Incident (Dr. Corey
Wright & Spotsylvania Department of Fire & Rescue)
The day the skies opened. A case review of a rare trauma incident and review of the multilevel treatment of the casualties.
Case Studies of Prehospital Mechanical Ventilation: Ventilator Case Reviews
(John Winstead)
Welcome to the greatest buffet on the sea! We have profound pulmonary edema! Have you tried the multisystem trauma with an elevated shock index? The chef is particularly proud of his BiLevel NPPV. Let’s sample from real-world cases and discuss lessons that can be applied to your prehospital ventilation management menu. These interactive case studies are intended for the prehospital paramedic looking to build mastery of the first hour of ventilation management.
Part 2 Muster Station (2 hour session continued from Excursion 3)
The Bridge: Panel Discussion on Safety, Clinical and Career Advancement in the Pre-Hospital and Critical Care Industry