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Gynecology at Mary Washington Healthcare

Excellence in Women's Health

At Mary Washington Healthcare, we care about the health of women in our community. Our hospitals and specialty practices are here to take care of women's health needs at every stage of their lives.

Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery at Stafford Hospital

Each year, the expert surgeons at Stafford Hospital carry out hundreds of minimally-invasive gynecological surgeries to treat a range of conditions, including:Center of Excellence

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Ovarian cysts and masses
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Pelvic pain
  • Infertility (due to detached fallopian tubes)

Patients with these conditions may undergo a laparoscopic surgery, which uses much smaller incisions than traditional surgery. Stafford Hospital offers the following laparoscopic procedures:

  • Hysterectomy
  • Tubal ligation
  • Tubal reversal
  • Ovarian cyst removal

Performing these procedures using minimally-invasive approaches offers several benefits over traditional surgery. These can include:

  • Less pain after surgery
  • Minimal scarring
  • Shorter recovery time
  • Lower risk of infection

Some patients who undergo a laparoscopic procedure can return home the same day—this depends how you are doing and what your surgeon thinks about your recovery.

Nationally Recognized for Quality and Safety

We really care about giving the best gynecological care at Stafford Hospital. Stafford Hospital was the 3rd hospital in Virginia to earn the title of “Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology (COEMIG)”. This title is given by the Surgical Review Corporation.

Programs that earn this designation must:

  • Adhere to the highest standards of excellence when performing minimally-invasive gynecological surgeries
  • Always work to improve patient safety
  • Verify compliance with a rigorous site inspection
  • Meet strict requirements about how many surgeries are done each year, what tools and equipment are used, how patients are taught about their condition, the quality of outcomes, and more

Under the direction of Kurian Thott, MD, FACOG, Stafford Hospital’s gynecological surgery program was designated as a Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology in 2014 and was recertified in 2017, 2020, and 2023, continuing a tradition of excellence. Our Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology certified surgeons include Yetunde Adenle, MD, and TreChelle Carson, MD. More information about the Surgical Review Corporation’s accreditation programs are available here.

Convenient Care in a Healing Environment

Making our patients feel comfortable and safe is the most important thing at Stafford Hospital. If you're getting gynecologic care here, you'll be in a calm, clean, and relaxing place that helps you get better. It doesn't matter what kind of procedure you're having – we make sure you have a special experience in a place that's private and close to home.

To find a COEMIG-certified physician, call MWHC Health Link at 540.741.1404.

Treating Gynecological Cancer

Women with uterine and other gynecologic cancers can now undergo complex surgical procedures close to home. Cancers that occur in different areas of the pelvis, such as cervical, endometrial, or ovarian cancers are defined as gynecologic cancers. These types of cancer can spread through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. According to the CDC, 71,000 women are diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer each year in the United States. Gynecologic cancers have several possible treatments, including hormone therapy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The most common treatment is the surgical removal of the uterus, known as a hysterectomy.

Minimally-invasive GYN surgery can also be used for:

  • Suspicious lumps – Most lumps near or on the ovaries can be removed with a minimally-invasive approach. Once removed, our pathology team evaluates the mass under a microscope to determine if it is a cancer.
  • Challenging hysterectomies – We can now offer minimally-invasive surgeries to patients whose medical conditions or previous surgical history would have required a more invasive procedure.

Advances in equipment and techniques now allow hysterectomies to be performed with tiny abdominal incisions through which the surgeon works with the aid of miniature cameras with microscopes, tiny fiber-optic flashlights, high-definition monitors, and specialized precision tools.

Advanced minimally-invasive surgery is frequently a suitable choice for women dealing with gynecologic cancers and other complex conditions. This approach leads to shorter hospital stays and significant reductions in both postoperative discomfort and scarring. Our surgeon will collaborate closely with you and your OB/GYN to assess whether this procedure is the safest and most suitable surgical option for your condition.

These surgeons work collaboratively with Mary Washington Healthcare credentialed medical and radiation oncologists, as well as OB/GYN physicians to determine the most appropriate plan of care.

MWHC Cancer Nurse Navigators

If you've been diagnosed with gynecologic cancer, the MWHC Cancer Nurse Navigator Program is here to assist you in figuring out your next steps.

Call one of our Cancer Navigators at 540.741.1769 to discuss the minimally-invasive surgical treatment options available at Mary Washington and Stafford Hospitals.

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