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Make a Difference in the Lives of Our Patients and Their Families

Volunteers at Mary Washington Healthcare (MWHC) make a difference in the lives of our patients and their families every day. Our volunteers are a diverse, compassionate group of individuals who generously give thousands of hours each year with a common goal of supporting the health system in its mission to improve the health of the people in the communities we serve. Volunteers may choose to serve at Mary Washington Hospital, Stafford Hospital, or both!

What do volunteers do?

  • Provide compassion and comfort to patients and their families
  • Escort patients and visitors to their destinations
  • Support staff with non-clinical tasks on nursing units
  • Assist staff with general office duties
  • Act as a resource to patients, families, guests, and staff
  • Volunteer with our hospice program (separate application)

What are the rewards for volunteering at Mary Washington Healthcare?

  • The satisfaction of doing something for others
  • The opportunity to share your skills and learn new ones
  • Making a difference by serving our community
  • The enjoyment of making new friends and having fun!

What are the requirements to volunteer?

  • Be 18 years or older and graduated from high school (or equivalent)
    (Ages 15–17 see Junior Volunteer Program described below)
  • Commit to a minimum of one shift per week for at least six months of continuous service
  • Be in good general physical and mental health
  • Have no criminal record
  • Provide immunization record
  • Complete the appropriate volunteer application (links below)
  • Interview with a member of the volunteer services staff
  • Attend a group orientation session
  • Be fully vaccinated against influenza (during flu season, typically October–March)

MWHC’s service-based volunteer program helps meet the needs of patients, patient families, and staff. It is not a job-training program, an internship, nor does it provide medical shadowing. We do not accept court-ordered placements.

Mary Washington Hospital Volunteer Services Office: 540.741.1440
Stafford Hospital Volunteer Services Office: 540.741.9660

WAVE Award for Volunteers

The WAVE Award (We Applaud Volunteer Excellence) is presented to a volunteer who demonstrates MWHC's values and consistently exhibits a friendly and caring attitude, and is helpful, dependable, and flexible. Recognize a volunteer for their outstanding service.

Community Groups and Jared Boxes

Community Groups

Is your group interested in doing a service project to support patients in one of our facilities? Our primary concern is for the privacy, health, and comfort of our patients, so we ask that you first contact volunteer services to talk through how your group can best support our charitable mission. Download a list of ideas for service projects and care packages. If your group is interested in learning more, please call volunteer services at Mary Washington Hospital (540.741.1440) or Stafford Hospital (540.741.9660).

Jared BoxesSmile the Jared Box Logo

Mary Washington Healthcare participates in the Jared Box Project. A Jared Box is a small plastic storage box filled with toys, games, and activities to help lift the spirits and calm the nerves of our youngest patients. To help support this mission, please click here for a suggested toy list.

Please fill out this quick form to set up a Jared Box donation. If you prefer, you can donate money to the Jared Box Project at Mary Washington Healthcare using our Mary Washington Hospital Foundation donation form.

MWHC Adult Volunteer Program

Volunteering at Mary Washington Healthcare is a wonderful way to serve others in a meaningful manner while enjoying the camaraderie of working with other volunteers and health care professionals. The adult volunteer program promotes exceptional customer service by developing and maintaining an efficient corps of volunteers to deliver an extra dimension of quality care that exceeds the expectations of patients, families, and visitors served.

Qualities of a successful MWHC volunteer include:

  • Sincere interest in helping patients, families, and visitors
  • Warmth and empathy toward others
  • Willingness to accept and practice hospital policies and procedures
  • Promptness and dependability
  • Desire to learn and accept supervision
  • Professional and positive attitude
  • Commitment to maintaining patient dignity and confidentiality at all times

Volunteers provide needed assistance to clinical and operational staff as well as to our patients and their families. Service areas include but are not limited to:

  • Patient escorts - escorting patients to their destination upon admission and assisting via wheelchair upon discharge
  • Wayfinders - helping our visitors find their way and providing general information
  • Clinical support - providing an extra set of hands to our clinical teams
  • Waiting room ambassadors - keeping family members informed about their loved ones’ progress
  • Customer service in one of our hospital gift shops
  • And many other rewarding experiences

APPLY ONLINE for the MWHC Adult Volunteer Program

Become a volunteer with Mary Washington Hospice

MWHC College Student Volunteer Program

The college volunteer application is now closed. It will reopen in mid-March for students interested in volunteering in the summer of 2025. College students should only use the college volunteer application, not the adult application.

For questions or further information, please contact MWHC Volunteer Services at 540.741.1440 or email

*All volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated against influenza.

Volunteering at Mary Washington Healthcare is a wonderful way to serve others in a meaningful manner, in addition to becoming exposed to the many career opportunities offered in a healthcare setting. We appreciate your interest in serving our patients and look forward to working with you on your volunteer journey!

Student volunteers provide needed assistance to clinical and operational staff as well as to our patients and their families. The College Student Volunteer Program works to make your volunteer experience a valuable asset toward career goals, regardless of what your specific career choice might be. Our various positions offer opportunities for students to explore clinical settings, business operations, and the extremely important role of customer service in a healthcare environment.*

Upon completion of the program, students will have extensive experience that can be used when applying for jobs, internships, and applying to further education.

What opportunities are available?

Once accepted into the program, you will work with MWHC Volunteer Services staff to be placed in a service area based on your availability, interest and current needs of the organization.

Here is a list of some of the current volunteer opportunities:

  • Patient escorts - escorting patients to their destination upon admission and assisting via wheelchair upon discharge
  • Wayfinders - helping our visitors find their way and providing general information
  • Clinical support - providing an extra set of hands to our clinical teams
  • Waiting room ambassadors - keeping family members informed on their loved ones’ progress
  • Customer service in one of hospital gift shops

What Is the Expected Commitment?

As a hospital volunteer, you will be expected to complete a minimum of 60 hours per school year. This will amount to approximately three hours per week and can be scheduled to best fit your academic calendar. In addition to the time commitment, volunteers are to be prompt, courteous, and in good attendance each week for the duration of the semester. (You are not expected to work over breaks or holidays but we do ask that you notify staff in advance of these breaks.)

Does It Cost Anything to Be a Volunteer?

The only monetary cost is that of the uniform jacket or vest at $25 each. We also require a regular contribution of smiles and compassion.

How Does the Process Work?

The application process serves as a means for selecting the most qualified students for the program. Completed applications will be reviewed and qualified candidates will be called for an individual interview. Candidates who meet all of the requirements will then be invited to attend a mandatory orientation.

For additional information, call 540.741.1440.

*MWHC’s College Student Volunteer Program is not meant for the purpose of required clinical hours nor is it a promise for future paid employment at MWHC.

MWHC Summer Junior Volunteer Program

Junior Volunteers

Thank you for your interest in the MWHC Junior Volunteer Program. The application is now closed.

The Junior Volunteer Program is an opportunity for current high school sophomores and juniors to receive valuable, voluntary service while developing a sense of civic responsibility. In keeping with our mission’s focus on community, this program is only available to those students residing in and attending high school in MWHC’s primary service area.

The Junior Volunteer Program will be held at Mary Washington Hospital and Stafford Hospital. Please only apply to ONE hospital.


  • Participation is open to students who are genuinely interested in giving excellent service to patients, families, associates, and visitors of Mary Washington Healthcare.
  • Junior Volunteers must be between the ages of 15-17, currently in 10th or 11th grade, and attending high school or a high school equivalency program. Due to space limitations, we cannot accommodate 2025 graduating seniors.
  • Junior Volunteers must be available to work two (2) full weeks during one of the summer sessions. If you know in advance that you will be attending summer camp, traveling out of town, or unavailable to fulfill the time requirements, please do not apply.
  • This is a highly competitive selection process. Due to limited site placements, we will not be able to accept every applicant. Selection is based on the student’s application, personal statement, and interview, as well as attendance at the mandatory parent/guardian information session.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the MWHC Volunteer Services offices:
Mary Washington Hospital 540.741.1440
Stafford Hospital 540.741.9660

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